
Listen to us delve deeper into the world of healthier living and better food. Join us as we engage in insightful conversations with experts, share practical tips, and inspire you to make positive changes for a nourished and vibrant life.

Click the link above and then “Go To Podcast” to access all current Podcast Episodes. Episode Summaries Below.

Intro: A Sneak Peak at What’s Ahead

CHAPTER ONE: Episodes 1-26

Ep.1: Why Eating Better Matters for Health and Longevity

Ep.2: James Beard Nominated Chef Doug Katz on his Favorite Healthy Dish, Travel as Your Library

Ep.3: Donita Anderson on the Positive Impact on Health with Farmers Markets

Ep.4: Dr. Bradley on Before You Get Sick or Discover a Chronic Illness

Ep.5: Chef Bob Sferra on Cooking with the Seasons

Ep.6: Chef Ben Bebenroth on Healthy Food for Children, Professional Athlete Nutrition, and Eating Under a Tree

Ep.7: UH’s Food for Life Program and Reducing the Need for Medications with Food, Cooking as a Family

Ep.8: James Beard Nominated Chef Jeremy Umansky’s Nutritional and Flavor Powerhouse, Closed Loop Food Systems

Ep.9: Dr Betul Hatipoglu on Using Food to Improve Type 2 Diabetes and other Chronic Diseases

Ep.10: James Beard Nominated Chef Karen Small on Food is Health, Introducing Good Food to Children

Ep.11: CMSD’s Nutritionist Bob Gorman with Rebecca Rodriguez on Why Students Deserve Local Foods

Ep.12: Mark Trapp on Regenerative, Sustainable Farming

Ep.13: Trevor Clatterbuck’s Entrepreneurial Journey to Bring Customers Healthier Food

Ep.14: Hope Barkoukis, PHD and Chair, Dept of Nutrition, on Keeping it Simple and Lifestyle Medicine

Ep.15: Nathan Rutz, Director of Soil, Rust Belt Riders, Tilth, on Working Together to Feed People, Not Landfills

Ep.16: Drew Anderson, CEO of Cleveland Kitchen, from Big Data to Sauerkraut to E&Y’s Entrepreneur of the Year 

Ep.17: Brandon Chrostowski, Founder/Chef of Edwins, One of the NYTimes Places that Changed the World

Ep.18: Sara Continenza, Executive Director of Food Strong, Every Dollar You Spend is a Vote for the World You Want to Live In

Ep.19: Kristin Warzocha, CEO, Greater Cleveland Food Bank, Nutritious Food and How Volunteering is Good for the Soul

Ep.20: Lloyd Noble, American vs French Food, Quality Real-Simple-Food, Cinq Fruits et Legumes par Jour, Gluten Intolerance

Ep.21: Fred & Jamie Peterson, Centurions Daily Glass of Wine, Simple Honest Winemaking

Ep.22: Alison Patrick, If you have Children, Please Listen to this Episode

Ep.23: Melissa FitzGerald, Programs to Positively Impact Children’s Health, Gratitude

Ep.24: Parker Bosley, Around the Table You Could Fix the World while Eating a Home Cooked Meal

Ep. 25: Farmer Lee Jones, We Can Rebuild the Soil, Rebuild Our Health, Rebuild the Environment

Ep. 26: Dr Thea James, Patient Input to Thrive not Just Survive, More Sustainable Communities

Ep. 27: Ken Counihan, Strong. Things. Live. Chapter One.

CHAPTER TWO: Episodes 28 …

Ep. 28: Cleveland Clinic’s Madeline June, Skin Protection in Summer, All Year. 

Ep. 29: Case Western’s Brian Devorkin. Small Changes, Invest in Yourself. 

Ep. 30: Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Corbett Nash. Food+Planet’s Sharon Palmer. Affordable, Sustainable Seafood. 

Ep. 31: Cleveland Clinic’s Dr Leben Tefera. Take the First Healthy Step. Avoid the 3rd Leading Cause of Cardiovascular death. 

Ep. 32: Olympic, NBA, NFL Functional Sports Nutritionist Kylene Bogden. Everyone has Control of their Health. 

Ep. 33: Food Tank on Capitol Hill. Access, Affordability, Food is Medicine, Preventing Food Loss and Waste. 

Ep. 34: Red Basket’s Farm’s Floyd Davis. Growing a Small Family Farm by Understanding the Customer. 

Ep.35: Dion Dawson, Dion’s Chicago Dream. Creative Approaches to Bringing Fresh Produce And Joy to Your Neighbors; 

Ep.36: Will Harris’ Middle America Miracle – Revitalizing Small Towns with Regenerative Farming. White Oak Pastures

Ep.37: Dan Freshwater. The Importance of Exercise. Starting with a Personal Trainer. 

Ep.38: Claudia Carter. Growing Healthy, Nutritious Wheat for Children, Everyone. 

Ep.39 – Dr Benjamin Leong. The Role of Weight Loss Medications. Impacting $3.2 Trillion of Health Care Costs. The Power of Simple, Whole Foods. Saving Lives. 

Ep.40 – Dr Kandice Marchant. Who Knew? Artisan Cheese is Healthy. 

Ep.41 – Mary Holmes. Eating Local, Simple, Seasonal Foods, Together. Starting with Children. 

Ep.42 – Cleveland Clinic’s Dr James E. Carter. The Courage to Be Intentional. Sharing with Your Village. The Never List. Organic is NOT More Expensive.

Ep. 43 – Transforming Communities by Creating Access to Holistic, Nutritional Food. Keymah Durden III. Rid-All Green Partnership.

Ep. 44 – The One-Minute Halftime for Health. Dr Tom Rifai.

Ep. 45 – Do Something Today! VOTE. Take Action Where You Live.

Ep.46 – Chef Vinnie Cimino. 2024 James Beard Finalist. Midwest Nice. Taking Care of Customers, Employees, Farmers.

Ep. 47 – Dr Kavita Patel. Empowering Patients through Simple, Fun, Healthy Food.

Ep. 48 – A Healthy, Affordable Thanksgiving

Ep. 49 – Lessons from Kenya. Regenerative Agriculture. Moses Ojunji.