Click the link above and then “Go To Podcast” to access all current Podcast Episodes. Episode Summaries Below.
Intro: A Sneak Peak at What’s Ahead
CHAPTER ONE: Episodes 1-26
Ep.1: Why Eating Better Matters for Health and Longevity
Ep.2: James Beard Nominated Chef Doug Katz on his Favorite Healthy Dish, Travel as Your Library
Ep.3: Donita Anderson on the Positive Impact on Health with Farmers Markets
Ep.4: Dr. Bradley on Before You Get Sick or Discover a Chronic Illness
Ep.5: Chef Bob Sferra on Cooking with the Seasons
Ep.6: Chef Ben Bebenroth on Healthy Food for Children, Professional Athlete Nutrition, and Eating Under a Tree
Ep.7: UH’s Food for Life Program and Reducing the Need for Medications with Food, Cooking as a Family
Ep.8: James Beard Nominated Chef Jeremy Umansky’s Nutritional and Flavor Powerhouse, Closed Loop Food Systems
Ep.9: Dr Betul Hatipoglu on Using Food to Improve Type 2 Diabetes and other Chronic Diseases
Ep.10: James Beard Nominated Chef Karen Small on Food is Health, Introducing Good Food to Children
Ep.11: CMSD’s Nutritionist Bob Gorman with Rebecca Rodriguez on Why Students Deserve Local Foods
Ep.12: Mark Trapp on Regenerative, Sustainable Farming
Ep.13: Trevor Clatterbuck’s Entrepreneurial Journey to Bring Customers Healthier Food
Ep.14: Hope Barkoukis, PHD and Chair, Dept of Nutrition, on Keeping it Simple and Lifestyle Medicine
Ep.15: Nathan Rutz, Director of Soil, Rust Belt Riders, Tilth, on Working Together to Feed People, Not Landfills
Ep.16: Drew Anderson, CEO of Cleveland Kitchen, from Big Data to Sauerkraut to E&Y’s Entrepreneur of the Year
Ep.17: Brandon Chrostowski, Founder/Chef of Edwins, One of the NYTimes Places that Changed the World
Ep.18: Sara Continenza, Executive Director of Food Strong, Every Dollar You Spend is a Vote for the World You Want to Live In
Ep.19: Kristin Warzocha, CEO, Greater Cleveland Food Bank, Nutritious Food and How Volunteering is Good for the Soul
Ep.20: Lloyd Noble, American vs French Food, Quality Real-Simple-Food, Cinq Fruits et Legumes par Jour, Gluten Intolerance
Ep.21: Fred & Jamie Peterson, Centurions Daily Glass of Wine, Simple Honest Winemaking
Ep.22: Alison Patrick, If you have Children, Please Listen to this Episode
Ep.23: Melissa FitzGerald, Programs to Positively Impact Children’s Health, Gratitude
Ep.24: Parker Bosley, Around the Table You Could Fix the World while Eating a Home Cooked Meal
Ep. 25: Farmer Lee Jones, We Can Rebuild the Soil, Rebuild Our Health, Rebuild the Environment
Ep. 26: Dr Thea James, Patient Input to Thrive not Just Survive, More Sustainable Communities
Ep. 27: Ken Counihan, Strong. Things. Live. Chapter One.
CHAPTER TWO: Episodes 28 …
Ep. 28: Cleveland Clinic’s Madeline June, Skin Protection in Summer, All Year.
Ep. 29: Case Western’s Brian Devorkin. Small Changes, Invest in Yourself.
Ep. 30: Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Corbett Nash. Food+Planet’s Sharon Palmer. Affordable, Sustainable Seafood.
Ep. 31: Cleveland Clinic’s Dr Leben Tefera. Take the First Healthy Step. Avoid the 3rd Leading Cause of Cardiovascular death.
Ep. 32: Olympic, NBA, NFL Functional Sports Nutritionist Kylene Bogden. Everyone has Control of their Health.
Ep. 33: Food Tank on Capitol Hill. Access, Affordability, Food is Medicine, Preventing Food Loss and Waste.
Ep. 34: Red Basket’s Farm’s Floyd Davis. Growing a Small Family Farm by Understanding the Customer.
Ep.35: Dion Dawson, Dion’s Chicago Dream. Creative Approaches to Bringing Fresh Produce And Joy to Your Neighbors;
Ep.36: Will Harris’ Middle America Miracle – Revitalizing Small Towns with Regenerative Farming. White Oak Pastures
Ep.37: Dan Freshwater. The Importance of Exercise. Starting with a Personal Trainer.
Ep.38: Claudia Carter. Growing Healthy, Nutritious Wheat for Children, Everyone.
Ep.39 – Dr Benjamin Leong. The Role of Weight Loss Medications. Impacting $3.2 Trillion of Health Care Costs. The Power of Simple, Whole Foods. Saving Lives.
Ep.40 – Dr Kandice Marchant. Who Knew? Artisan Cheese is Healthy.
Ep.41 – Mary Holmes. Eating Local, Simple, Seasonal Foods, Together. Starting with Children.
Ep.42 – Cleveland Clinic’s Dr James E. Carter. The Courage to Be Intentional. Sharing with Your Village. The Never List. Organic is NOT More Expensive.
Ep. 43 – Transforming Communities by Creating Access to Holistic, Nutritional Food. Keymah Durden III. Rid-All Green Partnership.
Ep. 44 – The One-Minute Halftime for Health. Dr Tom Rifai.
Ep. 45 – Do Something Today! VOTE. Take Action Where You Live.
Ep.46 – Chef Vinnie Cimino. 2024 James Beard Finalist. Midwest Nice. Taking Care of Customers, Employees, Farmers.
Ep. 47 – Dr Kavita Patel. Empowering Patients through Simple, Fun, Healthy Food.
Ep. 48 – A Healthy, Affordable Thanksgiving
Ep. 49 – Lessons from Kenya. Regenerative Agriculture. Moses Ojunji.